This post was brought to you by: Render and Levi Moonarrow.
Written by: Render.
Dictated by: Levi.
Source on Lawn Gnome History. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawn_gnomes
Gnome Pic source from: I don't remember it must be those darn Gnomes!
The first garden gnomes were made in Gräfenroda, a town known for its ceramics in Thuringia, Germany in the mid-1800s.No Wonder. Phillip Griebel made terracotta animals as decorations, and produced gnomes based on local myths as a way for people to enjoy the stories of the gnomes' willingness to help in the garden at night. The garden gnome quickly spread across Germany and into France and England, and wherever gardening was a serious hobby.Probably for their good looks. Huba Huba! Gnome manufacture spread across Germany with numerous other large and small manufacturers coming into and out of the business, each one having its own particular style of design. World War II was hard on the industry and most producers gave up then. Griebel's descendants still make them and are the last of the German producers, all others having moved production to Poland or China. This explains why Germany is so messed up!
Traditional gnomes are made from a terracotta clay slurry poured into molds. The gnome is removed from the mold, allowed to dry, and then fired in a kiln until it is hard.Do not believe this lie. gnomes are real! Once cooled the gnome is painted to the level of detail desired and sent to stores to be sold to consumers. Isn't that sad? More modern gnomes are made from resins and similar materials.
Garden gnomes were first introduced to the United Kingdom in 1847 by Sir Charles Isham, Who?!? when he brought 21 terracotta figures back from a trip to Germany and placed them as ornaments in the gardens of his home, He must have Mental Problems. Lamport Hall in Northamptonshire. a Mad house. Only one of the original batch of gnomes survives: Lampy, What?!? as he is known, is on display at Lamport Hall, Another Mad House and is insured for one million pounds. WHAT!!!!!!!No!!! That is ridicules!!!
Garden gnomes have become a popular accessory in many gardens. I wonder How. They are often the target of pranks, Really they are scary! known collectively as gnoming: people have been known to return garden gnomes "to the wild" O...K..., most notably France's "Front de Liberation des Nains de Jardins" and Italy's "MALAG" (Garden Gnome Liberation Front). Some kidnapped garden gnomes have been sent on trips around the world (the travelling gnome prank; this later became the basis for Travelocity's "Roaming Gnome"). UM??? WHY???
The practice of stealing garden gnomes is also sometimes referred to as "Gnome Hunting". Who Wrote this?
Gnomes are often depicted as having beards and are typically males, NO WAY! and usually wear red hats and are known to smoke pipes. Shame on those Gnomes What a bad Example. They are made in various poses and pursuing various pastimes, such as fishing or napping. Hey they stole My Idea!!!
Gnomes have become controversial in serious gardening circles in the UK, and have been banned from the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show as the organisers claim that they detract from the garden designs. Big whoop for them. WHO CARES!?!?! Gnome enthusiasts accuse the organisers of snobbery because they are popular in working class and suburban gardens.
Well there ya have it. every thing you need to know about Gnomes. it is also a well known fact that if someone asks about a gnome the answer is always the same: WHO CARES!!!
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»A present from the Elves to the Reader.
here ya go....
this was funded by:
Two crazy Minds!!!!
Two Heads are always better then one!!!
Ha. That's...disturbing. Good thing I don't have a--*Looks out window; robotic garden knome waves; screaming*
Jk. That was interesting.
we just wanted to reveal a few truths about our clay friends.
*Sputtering* Friends? FRIENDS?!?!
Oh I mean Enemies!!!!
see they have Mind control!!!
Aha! I know what it is! It's a conspiracy! It's an evil plan to take over the world! Fred is behind it all, with an army of evil knomes and the Easter Bunny to head it all! Ahh! Ok...so how was your day?
you are completely right!!!!
today consist of these elements
just a sec
Ok. I'll wait.
*Waiting; listening to elevator music; elevator gets stuck; music changes; garden knomes banging on walls and Fred slicing through ropes* Agh!! *Climbing out roof of elevator; jumping*
*Knomes pulling* Ahhh! *Slipping; falling* Weee! Ok. I have to go. I think I'm supposed to negotiate some peace treaty with someone... they're taking me to their leader. Brb. 10-20 minutes, ok?
I'm still here just a sec.
Back. *Waiting still*
good luck with that.
ok first I got up early to do Spanish and we are finally done with a lesson I hated. when I got home I posted about Shadow Elves. then all day from 11:00 to 2:15 I worked on my Flower Project.(so Hard!!!)
then I went to babysit from 2:15 to 4:30. and I got home worked on Bio Home work then I got my Flower Project done.
it was so frustrating today though because first I kept on getting flowers that were the same family and that is a NO NO.
then I wanted to get an Email address but Comcast is having a time out so I can't until they are done.
so much anger in head...about to explode.
tell Fred I said Hi plz...
Flower project?
He didn't say anything. He just stood still...like a manequin...
I'll be on in 30 but I think you might be going to bed.
once again I'm having Dinner at 10:00.
Crazy Pirate.
*Shudder* I hate flowers. Ever since 4th grade. It has scarred me.
GRRR! Arg! Alright. Ciao then silly elf. God bless.
Arg. Now I wish I had waited! Gr...
~ Captain Bonnie Spinner
I'm back.
I'm a good lier for an elf.
you still here?
Jk. You know my motto.
so what did you do today?
What's wrong with Comcast?
you left.
man I...
I'm going to cry.
*Starts to Cry*
Let's see...what did I do today?
We didn't have a lot of homework today. That was really good. Um...track was fun. So was VB. I had a ton of songs stuck in my head today, most of the Toby. :) And...what else? I've been trying to pursuade Chair to blog. Not sure how much longer I can keep nagging before she gives in. What else? That's about it...
Oh, don't even get me started with comcast...
oh good you are here..
that was short lived.
Nooo! I can't handle tears! Arg!! *Chunking chocolate at Render*
Sick? Is that like...your new word?
oh my favorite!!!!
tomarrow is going to be BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!
no I invented that word.
Really? With what and will you be on?
Ah. Sure. You got a copyright?
probably in morning and prob at night but prob not in middle.
Mm...what times? I don't think I have anything except a haircut.
So how's the story coming? Jw. Take your time. Having fun?
from like 9:30 to 10:00
a little around 2:00 to 4:00
and then 6 to forever until 10:30.
is that not SICK!!!???
what story?
hey look a circus!!!
*runs after circus*
hey if you joined a circus what would you be?
besides a clown...
Ok. I'm never on in the morning; at nine I'm in school anyway. I'm in school 2-4, here from 5-up unless I get a haircut. Yea!! That's ... intersting.
What What's wrong with clowns?!?! Um, I'd be...lion tamer. I'm good with animals and not kids. But there's no escaping me now! What about the story? *Chasing* Having fun writing it?
Do you enjoy stating the obvious?
copyrighted just so ya know.
Yes. I do. Some people are so blissfully unaware of what's righ tin from of them, they just need a little push. I enjoy pushing.
What's copyrighted? Sick? I know that.
righ tin????
yes pushing people off cliffs is always fun.....
not that I would know.
Do you enjoy stating the obvious?
is copyrighted
You're dodging the question again. But I have to go so I'll not pursue the matter.
Hey silly elf. I gotta go. Dream up something nice for that story. Seeya tomorrow. God bless. Ciao.
~ Crazy Captain Bonnie Spinner
Do you enjoy repeating yourself?
yes I am having fun.
who wouldn't?
well good night ya creep!
that Silly Shadow Elf
~Render Moonarrow~
if I go crazy.
which happens often
So...anyone? *Leaving comments on other stuff*
hi iv been gon for a long time.
so what do you think about the
i go t to go to bed see you later
bye :p
hi you guy there.
Yes. I think...that's mildly disturbing...
Well, if I ever need to know anything about gnomes I'll come here.
Ha ha that was FUNNY!!! Personally garden gnomes kinda scare me. I'd rather break them. Ha ha. Man I sound evil.
Haha. You're not that evil. You'd be like, "Hi-ya!" and then you'd be like..."Sorry!" and then you'd like have nightmares about them coming and seeking revenges. Jk. Jk. You and Flint probably would have fun breaking them. Dude...he's right; he IS rubbing off on you!
hi haw you doing
Hey. Chair is coming...
do you like gnomes
I have been sommond!
*landing with Ancalagon with black smoke all around*
are ya there
black cool
Nice. Ok.
Chair is coming. Are we all here?
So I was right!
What do I get?
What Can I do with Ten points?
Well I'm sure Chair can tell you...
Once she's done being patriotic...
Sorry. Nothing really. Except bragging rights.
America it the best
Who Said we were in America?
We are in One of the Indian Jungles right now hunting for Tigers!
Where have ya been?
Would you like me to sing the National Anthem?
No. I like tigers. Let's hunt for bears instead. No, wait! That bear from Open Season is a bear! Um...let's hunt mosquitos!
The one about food? Let's hear it.
How about Grawligs
no!!!! thats scary jk
Me?? Where have I been? You would really like to know?? Seriously?? For true?
I was at uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................................................................gym.
tee hee.
Yes! No body likes them! *draws sword* Although I'm not sure if they can be found in India...
No not the one about food. I am not singing that one.
Yes they can Dumby!
Jk I think I smell them!
i see one hes eating char
*gagging* Yes. They're here. Let's see if they remembered how to breath this time.
Yes lets cream them.....*draws breadstick* Ummm guys I left my sword at home. Sorry.
Oh well
No! *kills the one eating Chair with sword*
Here. I have this rubber chicken. It's very handy.
man poor char
Wait...is someone gonna eat me?? *Runs away*
lets go to the mall
Pulls out a sword from a little bity bag*
Here Chair
Oops nobody I was already being digested!! That's why they call 'em newsflashes people!!
and buy cake
Psh? The mall. No way. This is much more exciting...although people in the mall are very adventurous in themselves. *wondering if Chair remembers mohawk story*
Wow a rubber chicken and a butter knife...thanks. Ha ha jk.
Wait the mohawk story....
Ok Do yall see that huge Temple over there?
kill the grawligs
Let's see I can kill the monster's by making them laugh to death.
Ya Kill them until they Die!
Yes. It's shaped very oddly.
levi killing the grawligs
No you would kill us too.
Haha. *slicing the grawligs* Alright...almost done...
what are guy talking about
I like chicken.
Man They are ugly!
*Splitting apart Grawligs with Magic*
chicken......jk ok
EW! Don't slpit them! *holding nose at repulsive odor* Oh...that's sickening...
force push
Maybe I can think them to death....*barely misses being eaten* Noooo I don't think this is gonna work.
What? You mean the SMARTEST KID ON EARTH can't think a Grawlig to death? My my my, what has this world come to?
kills drawling thats eating char
Hey Look it is the Queen Grawlig!
Man Is she Ugly.
Not as Ugly as Levi though.
Hey guys I can hang a spoon on my nose. *gets bit* OWWWWWWWWWWW. Ok that's it. *starts stabbing anything is range with butter knife*
Ok, I already killed that one.
that wared
Yep. It is no help killing Dead Grawligs
*audience: Ooohhhh! Dissss!*
dont kill me char
DIE GRAWLIGS!! DIE!!! Oops sorry am I scaring anybody?
yes jk
Bonnie is chair Mentally Healthy?
No, not at all. Just the fact that I think Flint IS rubbing off on you, I find none of this disturbing...
ya im scared
Flint is like tis?
so much Personality I am missing!
"Mentally Healthy" ? Psh! This is the woman who invented the world's greatest salutation!
Hey...It's hard enough trying to balance a spoon on your nose while killing already dead things at the same time!! Give me a break people I'm only a fourth of their size....and I have a butter knife and a rubber chicken!! Jk.
And what is that?
Gives Chair a Magic Elvish blade that could slice through Diamonds*
Maybe this was a bad Idea.
Yes....Thank so much for bringing that up Bonnie.... *turns to audience* I invented the word hi. *crowd brakes into wild applause*
Chair, would you like to show off your incredibley breathtaking, astounding, words-cannot-sum-up-the-very-emotions-breathing-into-this-word spark of genius?
do i git one
I know! I told her to write a book!
Sweet...finally a true weapon...Don't worry I'll use it only for good. *Turns to slice Queen*
She SHould!
do i git one
*look at Charity*...wow...
it not farer jk
bvvvvvvvvvvvvvgyhjkmij oops sorry I feel asleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. he he. Don't worry I'm not immature....what?? Wait....nooooooooooooooo...don't leave..........
No Levi you get your own!
ohh this is fun
Immature? I can't tell the difference between you and Bear! I thought she had gotten on the keyboard just now. Jk.
Hey...I was watching that Darth Vader rap today....that was to funny for words.....
I just can't wait to actually meet you people for real.
no Really I am not afraid of yall
I fond ixsclaber
I know, right? i just don't know what I would say when we actually do meet.
Really...we all know that your secretly terrified of us......jk
Oh Heck No!
you saw that!!
WHY!!!! DID I volunteer IN THAT!!!???
im scared
*evil laughter*
if anybody was wondering...that really is my hand in that my profile picture.
No my whole reputation is ruined!
Haha. I thught it was Flint's! Yours are usually longer and in that one they looked short...
Yep Bon-Bon told me...
Oh no...I do embarrasing stuff too....I just post it on the internet..tell him Bonnie
the Vader vid you sol that
Embarassing? Hm. Let's see...
*Getting out list; laughing so hard I can't read it*
jk...wait thught....?
I saw that one too.
Dude I haven;t seen that Movie in forever!!!
Now I have to go watch it again!
Ah! Typo! Arg, arg, arg, arg...
Yeah, me neither. I need to re-watch that boredom one again...or maybe not...
im going to to
my nose is itchy...just thought y'all would like to know..oh and I just sneezed. You know if you were interested. Oops sneezed again.
Bless you, bless you!
*Handing tissue*
jjjjkkkkllll;;;;;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;...um didn't know what to say.
No prob. *still laughing at what Chair said earlier*
ok im back
I am watching Darth Vader Right now!
My name is Jonas *Rocking out to song....I only know one line*
Jonas? As in the Jo-bros?
Oh don't worry..we won't hold it against you.
dearth Vader
Well...Chair might not, but I on the other hand--Jk.
Ah this is awful!!!
This is a Bummer!
What? What is?
nope...I don't know who it is...I don't like JB though. I poked holes through their mouth, eyes, nose, ears. All three of them....I have issues.
Great. Now my nose is itchy.
That yall know about that vid....
I feel so Dumb
Sorry shouldn't have brought it up. That was some good dancing though.....WORD. jk
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